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Learning to Walk

August 25, 2022

On the Way!

Maybe this post should be entitled “Learning when to walk away.” Like leaving your daughter at college and trusting that she’ll figure it out and their will be help when she needs it. Walking away from the “to do” list that was never going to be completely checked off. Walking away from worry over the clutter that didn’t get cleared, pets I’ll miss but who are in good hands, a congregation that will get along with out me. I’ll miss them, and I know they’ll miss me, but none one is indispensable and it will be exciting to see what they do while I’m away.

My pack is too heavy, even after staying up until 3:30 am figuring out what I could jettison. I really don’t know what else I can get rid of at this point, but I may figure that out quickly. I left behind my hiking boots and will rely on my trail runners. I jettisoned an entire set of clothing and bits and pieces here and there and managed to shed 3 pounds. But I still need to get rid of more.

I’m fatigued, excited and nervous all at the same time, which I guess is normal when embarking on an adventure like this. Thanks for all the support, well wishes and prayers. Next stop, Paris!

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  1. Margaret permalink

    You got this!

  2. Barbara Mossman permalink

    Travel safely. Looking forward to following you on this blessed adventure.

  3. Dianne permalink

    via con dios !. . .I think you’re wonderful…!

  4. Ali permalink

    Love this Bev! Much I can relate to with the notable exception of the big adventure you’re about to embark on. Wishing you all the luck in the world. “May the Road rise up to meet you…” xxx

  5. Love this Bev! Much I can relate to with the notable exception of the amazing journey you’re about to embark on. Wishing you all the luck in the world. May the Road rise up to meet you…x

  6. alijudd permalink

    Love this Bev! So much I can relate to here with the notable exception of the amazing adventure that you are about to embark on. May the Road rise up to meet you …. X

  7. you’re doing your “to do list” right now !

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